Eat and enjoy!
Basic Homemade Spaghetti
This recipe makes a traditional spaghetti from scratch. Even with the simplest of ingredients, this is one of the best spaghettis you’ll ever have. I learned this from a chef who studied pasta making in Italy. Bon Appetit!

300 grams unbleached all-purpose flour, plus more for surface area dusting
3 eggs
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
In food processor, add flour and then eggs. Pulse until mixture is combined but not completely made into dough. Pour out mixture onto a working surface and knead with hands until a smooth dough ball is created. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes in order to let gluten fibers relax, making a more tender pasta.
While you are waiting for the pasta dough to rest, start boiling a large pot of water with salt and olive oil.
Remove dough from wrap and cut dough into 3 even pieces. Flaten out each piece with hand into 1/2 inch thick discs.
Dust working surface generously with flour. Periodically throughout the next 2 steps, flour the dough if it begins to get sticky.
Attach your flat roller pasta attachment to your Kitchen Aid and turn it on to whatever speed you feel comfortable with. Set the width of the attachment to 1 and run the first disc of dough through it. Fold pasta in half, or into thirds and run through the roller again. Repeat the folding and running through the roller 5 more times, occasionally adding more flour. You should end up with one thin layer of dough.
Change the width of the roller to 2 and run the thin layer of pasta through it again. Change the width of the roller to 3 and repeat. Cut the pasta dough you end up with in half and set pieces aside.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 with remaining dough pieces. Turn off Kitchen Aid. Remove flat roller attachment from Kitchen Aid and attach spaghetti roller attachment. Again, turn on Kitchen Aid to whatever speed you feel most comfortable with. Take dough pieces you created with the flat roller and run them through the spaghetti attachment roller.
Put fresh spaghetti in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Remove immediately from heat and strain, in order not to overcook the pasta. Serve with fresh olive oil and vegetables.
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Makes 4 servings
Adapted by Brittany Rigas, from Chef Craig Bartleson, 2010.
Spicy Pork Tenderloin
A tender, slow roasted pork loin with marinated vegetables is a great dish for the holidays.
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
1 4 inch long pork tenderloin
1 tablespoon extra light olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup cilantro, minced
1/2 carrot, sliced
1/2 yellow onion, sliced
1/4 red pepper, sliced
4 horseradishes, sliced
1 small jalapeno, sliced
4 slices of ginger
Pinch of salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon dill
1/2 teaspoon cumin
Preheat oven to 225 F.
Heat coconut oil over medium to high heat in a medium sized sauce pan.
Add pork loin with fattier side down first.
Sear pork loin on each side until it is browned evenly, and easy to pick up so it does not stick to the pan.
Remove pork loin from heat and set aside.
Combine olive oil, garlic and cilantro. Rub pork tenderloin in this mixture, adding most of the spices to the top, fattier layer.
Place the remaining ingredients in the pan that the pork was cooked in. Saute’ vegetables and spices over medium heat until lightly covered in coconut oil. Add more oil if necessary.
Place pork over the vegetables and place in oven. Slow roast for 45 minutes, or until pork reaches an internal temperature of 145 F.
Serve with cole slaw or a cold salad.
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Makes 2 servings
Copyright 2010, Brittany Rigas, original recipe.
French Toast
Sweet french toast is an American favorite! Serve it with fruit and greens to create a balanced breakfast.
2 to 3 tablespoons butter, melted
3 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs
4 single inch slices of a wheat baguette
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
Juice from 1/2 orange
Preheat oven to 375 F.
Cover an 8 by 8 inch pyrex pan with melted butter.
Drizzle one tablespoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon on top of the butter.
In a bowl, whisk remaining ingredients until combined thoroughly.
Soak bread slices in mixture for 10 minutes, flipping them half way through.
Place bread slices in pyrex pan and bake for 15 minutes. Serve with a fruit sauce or maple syrup.
Preparation Time: 35 minutes
Makes 4 servings
Adapted by Brittany Rigas, from Jeff Basom, 2010.
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